"...the whole person and the whole mission to which human beings have been called will be taken into account, for this [mission] pertains not only to the natural and earthly existence of human beings but also to their supernatural and eternal existence.” (Humanae Vitae, §7)
Whole Mission provides high-quality health education and support for families in all stages, with a concern for care of the whole person. Our current goals are to grow and promote access to, and research for, secure methods of natural family planning, specifically the Marquette Method, and to provide breastfeeding education and support for women and families.
In addition to health education, Whole Mission provides a platform and technical support to healthcare professionals who provide these vital services. Part of our income is allocated to support research and advancements in natural family planning, and to help increase accessibility for all families who desire health education in fertility and lactation.
"...the whole person and the whole mission to which human beings have been called will be taken into account, for this [mission] pertains not only to the natural and earthly existence of human beings but also to their supernatural and eternal existence.” (Humanae Vitae, §7)
Whole Mission works with the Marquette University Institute for Natural Family Planning (MU-INFP) to support research, train new instructors, and promote the Marquette Method.
Find more information about the MU-INFP here.
Read Your Body is a non-profit menstrual cycle charting app, and Whole Mission is excited to work together to create simple charting solutions for Marquette Method users. Talk to your instructor before using a charting app.
You can find our settings template in the app or here.
The mission of My Catholic Doctor is to make Catholic healthcare available to everyone. Whole Mission instructors may refer you to a telehealth provider through My Catholic Doctor.
Find out more information here.
This page contains external links, and the opinions or beliefs presented by the individuals, authors, publishers, manufacturing companies, organizations, or companies are strictly their own and may not be those of Whole Mission.
Giovanni Vitale II, MA, LLP
Co-founder, Managing Director
Giovanni is a Master's level psychologist and a moral theology teacher at a Catholic high school. He recently completed a program in spiritual direction, and has worked in Catholic ministry for over a decade. Giovanni and Lauren have been married since 2008, and started Whole Mission to create a unified force for supporting couples in fertility awareness after their own positive experience learning and using the Marquette Method.
Lauren Vitale, BSN, RN, MMCP
Co-founder, Clinical Director
Lauren is a registered nurse with a background in pediatric nursing, and a Certified Marquette Method instructor. She served on the founding Board of Directors for the Marquette Method Professionals Association, and enjoys collaborating with other healthcare professionals to improve access to high-quality fertility and holistic health classes. Giovanni and Lauren live in Michigan with their five fabulous children.
Kelsey Vukov, MS, RN, IBCLC, MMCP
Lactation Education Coordinator
Kelsey is a Master's prepared Registered Nurse with a passion for women’s health education. As a Marquette Method instructor, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and Certified Lactation Educator (CLE), she has a special interest in assisting postpartum couples on their NFP and breastfeeding journey. Kelsey lives in Illinois with her husband and three children.
Rosemary Mackenzie, BSN, RN, CEN
Mira Services Coordinator
Rose is a bachelor-prepared registered nurse who previously worked as a Clinical Coordinator/Charge Nurse at an emergency department and as a registered nurse at a Women’s Health and Fertility Care Center that focuses on restorative health with NaPro and FEMM practices. As a NFP Practitioner, Fertility Coach, and Medical Affairs Specialist at Mira she finds satisfaction in helping others understand their personal hormone data.
Claire Collopy, MA
Social Media Specialist
Claire has years of experience in communications and Catholic ministry. She enjoys managing social media for Whole Mission as a way of communicating the beauty of NFP and the Marquette Method to the outside world. Claire lives in Kentucky with her husband Joey and son Paul.
Whole Mission was founded in and operates out of the Archdiocese of Detroit, and submits to the authority of the local ordinary on matters of faith and morals.
Individual instructors who teach through Whole Mission are under the authority of their local bishops.
Content provided by Whole Mission that includes Catholic Teaching has been reviewed by staff and/or clergy within the Archdiocese of Detroit.
Perimenopause and the Use of Fertility Tracking: 3 Case Studies Maria Meyers, MD, Kate Elenchin, BSN, and Lauren Vitale, BSN
Charting Toward Intimacy Podcast
Open Door Policy Podcast
Detroit Stories Podcast
EP. 17: "Heroic Love and Family Planning" with Giovanni Vitale II
The Hormone Genius Podcast
S2 EP. 18 : Marquette Charting, Men's Fertility & Whole Mission with Lauren Vitale
Managing Your Fertility Podcast
EP. 16 : Lauren Vitale: How to Make Sure You Don't Choose a Crazy Instructor with Lauren Vitale
EP. 30 : Lauren Vitale: Whole Mission Marquette Method (Method Conversation Series) with Lauren Vitale
The Gift of Natural Family Planning, in Real Life by Lauren Vitale
Unleash the Gospel
These Aren't the Virtues You Were Looking For: The real surprises of using NFP by Lauren Vitale
How to Confidently Talk to Your Daughter About Cycles. Period. by Lauren Vitale